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Retracing Steps of Process

Now that the show has been pulled down it is time to reflect on the last 3 months of research, meetings, lab time, studio making.

It has been an exiting journée made possible by Culture at Work.

It all started last year when I came across the art science residency which is directed to artists wanting to collaborate with scientists in the field of their interest.

This residency operates on 2 levels and a degree of interaction between the 2 parties.

My interest in plastic consumerism and waste has prompt me to enquire and research questions regarding this worldwide problem. But to fully solve this issue we need to use plastic in a more considered manner i.e.: to only make objects that are beneficial to the human race not make convenience goods

Plastic is made out of oil a scarce natural resource

To clean up the world of this plague we need to pick up and recycle each single piece everywhere in the world. That means on land as much as in our waterways including deep in our oceans depth. It seems extreme but when you understand that plastic created 70 years ago is still here today, either intact or broken up in a multitude of tiny pieces. 

That most of our rubbish including plastic that isn't recyclable is going to landfill. How many holes are we digging around the planet to burry our consumerist convenience habits our of our sight...Then

it is important to see the large picture. Hawaï beaches are already composed of plastic meter deep.

That sea creatures and bird life ingest this microplastic dying from suffocation, starvation and entanglement. That the plastic toxins ingested by fish is then past on in our food chain through the fish bloodstream ... your alarming bells ring.

So what else could save our planet except from us disappearing totally... which am not dismissing at this point.

One question remains is there an 'underwater' plastic eating bacteria? 

That would help cleaning the earth of our mistake of the great plastic Plague? 

Human desire to brighter future. A life of convenience goods out of a sourced out and expensive to process natural resource.  It is very easy to see how man gets over exited about new prospects and innovations. However reflecting on this issue it would make history if we could learn from our mistakes and move forward.  Being more in tune with what the planet needs and no longer what human need.

That would be Progress in my eyes!

Waterfront Pyrmont - rubbish a step away from falling into the ocean

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